The curriculum of the Medical Faculty has been developed to meet the demands of modern medical practice. It is community oriented and problem based. Undergraduate medical and surgical training is coordinated and supervised by highly qualified staff, aware of the latest medical research and development. The curriculum focuses on small group work relationship between students and the faculty in accordance with the guidelines of Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
University Medical and Dental College Curriculum Map MBBS
1st year and 2nd year modules are integrated horizontally, each has Biochemistry , Anatomy, Physiology as subjects taught
- SDL (Self Directed Learning) and LEAPS ( Leadership, Ethics/ entrepreneurship, Altruism, Professionalism, Safety) are vertically integrated throughout the 5 years
- Diabetes theme week is an integrated portion of 4th year curriculum where all 4 subjects taught follow a common topic : Diabetes Mellitus
- Community Medicine is inclusive of Research Methodology and Infection control