The department of Anesthesia, Madinah Teaching Hospital holds a team of competent and devoted doctors, assisted by highly qualified and skilled nurses and paramedics who run eighteen operating rooms at various Operation Theatre complexes round the clock. The operation theatres are fully equipped with state of the art equipment. The recovery area is provided with full monitoring and resuscitation facilities. The patients are managed with respect and dignity. Our aim is provision of excellent anesthetic services round the clock to all kinds of patients. The department extends its services outside OT complex and provides procedural sedation to patients undergoing diagnostic and therapeutic radiological procedures.
Teaching & Training of undergraduates & post graduates: Besides managing patients, our team is very keen on teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students. The department is recognized by PMC and CPSP. We have started a modular system of teaching in which much emphasis is placed on active participation of students in small group discussion and problem based learning. Students are kept busy in interactive sessions. Also our students start learning various procedures in the operation theatre from day one.
Research, Audit & CPD: Our unit is very efficient to keep record of patients care and management in the form of research & Audit. Each year our doctors publish their research work in national and international journals and present their research work in conferences. Our faculty members are actively involved in continuous professional development (CPD), by participating in a number of national and international courses, workshops and conferences.