The Department of Pathology is a semi clinical department & is actively engaged in both academic activities & provision of diagnostic services.
Both laboratories contain a separate Labomed microscope for display of practical slides. The department is also equipped with a separate room for Penta head where all the diagnostic slides are seen and training of our demonstrators is done for conduction of practical classes. This room is also used for departmental CME.
At present, apart from two labs and museum, we also have a Histopathology section. The diagnostic work of Haematology, Chemical Pathology and Microbiology is being conducted at Madina Teaching hospital. Dr Sadia Ijaz is the incharge of the Laboratory work at MTH and is doing reporting of peripheral films/bone marrow aspiration etc. Department is also running breast clinic every Tuesday at MTH in collaboration with the surgery department. The procedure of FNAC is performed in the department in the procedure room equipped for Bone marrow and FNAC. The work prepared at the evening shift and at night is also reported by Dr Sadia Ijaz so basically Dr Sadia Ijaz is providing a full time hematology cover to MTH laboratory.
In January 2015 the Microbiology section was also shifted to the MTH lab. Only Histopathology and Cytology is being conducted at UMDC. For the Histopathology section the Grossing station and Automatic Tissue processor were installed in November 2015. The department has also got its embedding station leading to development of state of Art Laboratory in Faisalabad. The department of Pathology is also providing services of Immunohistochemistry in collaboration with Shifa International Hospital.