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Fee Structure for Admission 2024-2025

  • Fee Structure for Admission 2024-2025



    Fee Structure Session 2024 - 25 (All Figures are in PKR)

    MBBS & BDS
    Description YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Total For Program
    College Tuition Fee* (PKR)
    2,394,000 2,594,000 2,794,000 2,994,000 3,194,000 13,970,000


    1. At the time of admission, one-time charges will be payable for Admission fee (Rs. 50,000/- non-refundable), PM&DC Registration fee (Rs. 15,000/-), UHS Registration fee (Rs.24,000/-) & Document verification fee (Rs. 7500/-). These charges may change if revised by the regulatory body.
    2. UHS Administrative charges will be payable each year as 5.5% of annual charges.
    3. Hostel charges, Mess charges, and Transport charges will be payable as per actual on annual basis.
    4. Advance Income Tax, Sales Tax, VAT, or any other taxes, fees, or charges levied by the Government, UHS, PM&DC, or any other regulatory body will be billed separately.
    5. Policies mentioned in the handbook/ prospectus shall apply to all students.
      *The annual tuition fee already includes a 4% discount. In the case of semi-annual or quarterly installments, an additional fee (2% for semi-annual and 4% for quarterly payments) will be payable.



    Fee Structure Session 2024 - 25 ( All Figures are in US$)

    MBBS & BDS
    Description YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 5 Total For Program
    Total Dues in US Dollars* ($)
    11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 55,000


    1. The admission fee is waived off for foreign students.
    2. Hostel charges, Mess charges, and Transport charges will be payable as per actual on annual basis.
    3. Advance Income Tax, Sales Tax, VAT, or any other taxes, fees, or charges levied by the Government, UHS, PM&DC, or any other regulatory body will be billed separately.
    4. Policies mentioned in the handbook/ prospectus shall apply to all students.
      * The annual tuition fee already includes a 4% discount. In the case of semi-annual or quarterly installments, an additional fee (2% for semi-annual and 4% for quarterly payments) will be payable.

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