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Rules and Regulations


  • Migration/ Transfer of students is not allowed in any circumstances.
  • Punctual observation of class timing and proper discipline in classroom, practicals, demonstrations and tutorials will be of highest order. Students have to wear white coats during lectures and practicals.
  • Summer break is scheduled for the students on the recommendation of Academic Council of College subject to the approval of Board of Governors.
  • For leave or absence, the students must apply in writing the reason for her request. Every student is required to attend minimum 85% of lectures. A student having attendance less than 85% will not be allowed to appear in the UHS examinations. Repeated absence from lectures, classes, seminars, demonstrations and from hospital wards will make a student liable to be expelled from the college.


  • All students must be quiet in college premises. Students are forbidden to sing, whistle, hoot create noise in any form or indulge in any unseemly behavior or activity in the college premises at any time.
  • No student is allowed to loiter and move aimlessly in and around college premises or while-away her time in college cafeteria or market place.
  • No gathering or meeting of students will be allowed in the premises of college and hostels. Any student want to make a representation on any subject has the right to direct access to the Principal at any time during college hours by previous appointment, if not satisfied by her interview with the Chief Proctor or the Vice Principal.
  • Every part of the college building and hostel premises shall be kept clean e.g. walls, fixtures, models, specimens, charts; etc should not be tempered, defaced, mutilated or damaged in any way or form. Defaulters will be dealt with strictly.
  • It is the duty of each student to maintain highest degree of cleanliness of college premises and the hostels including toilets and kitchens.
  • All damages in any form caused by the students due to their negligence or deliberate act shall be repaired at the expense of the student / students responsible for the negligence.
  • Admission fee is not refundable.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in the college/hostel premises.
  • Use of liquor or any allied substances is strictly prohibited in the college and hostel.
  • No students should address any conference including press conference, nor write to the press on a political or related subject on matter concerned directly with the administration of the college or any government or educational institution, university in Pakistan or aboard.
  • No posters or banners shall be displayed without the approval of Principal/Administration.
  • In case of complaint it will be investigated by senior members of the staff (Head of the Department). If it is of serious nature it will be forwarded to the Academic Council for further investigation and the recommendation will be forwarded to the Principal for further necessary action.
  • In dealing with any breach of discipline infringement of the rules and regulations mentioned above, the Principal may decide to order appropriate penalty including apology (verbal or written), fine, temporary suspension from the college, removal from the hostel, removal from the college and rustication after due concurrence of College Academic Council.
  • Students are not allowed to eat and drink from shops or restaurants, which are not allowed or unauthorized on the basis of their hygienic standard and locations.
  • Students are not allowed to indulge in abusive language or fight.
  • The authority may expel a student at any time if not satisfied with her health, conduct or character.
  • Students have to be present in time at any specified activity of the college.
  • The students must display their College ID cards while in the college premises.


  • No guests are allowed to stay in the hostel.
  • No religious ceremony likely to injure the feelings of other boarders shall be performed in the hostel.
  • Every student shall be in hostel by sunset except those who are on official duty in hospital.
  • Boarders are prohibited from leaving the hostel after sunset in summer and winter. Any boarders, who wish to stay out after this time, shall seek prior permission from the warden. Late comers in the hostel will first report at the main gate of the college and to warden of their hostel before going to their rooms.
  • Any student/boarder found guilty of persistent violation of rules shall be suspended or dismissed from college / hostel by the administration with the approval of the competent authority.
  • Defacing walls, orders on notice boards, fixture, furniture & use of electric appliances which are not allowed is strictly prohibited.
  • All cases of sickness must be reported to the authorities. The hostel warden shall be notified at once for necessary action.
  • College is not responsible for loss of any property, valuables and jewellery etc of the boarders.
  • In hostels, students must keep their rooms neat, clean and tidy. The bed should be properly arranged and a cover be used. Dirty clothes should be stored separately and removed at once.
  • Parents/guardians are expected to cooperate with the authorities of the college by prevailing upon and motivating their wards not to take part in any antisocial activities.
  • For leave or absence, the students must apply in writing the reason for her request. Every student is required to attend minimum 85% of lectures. A student having attendance less than 85% will not be allowed to appear in the UHS examinations. Repeated absence from lectures, classes, seminars, demonstrations and from hospital wards will make a student liable to be expelled from the college.



  • White Shalwar Kameez (Swan white with band collar and full sleeve)
  • Maroon Scarf in combination with above
  • Shoes (Black with small heals)
  • Socks (Black)
  • Knee long white overall


The female students will wear Maroon Blazer (Single Breasted) alternately maroon woolen sweater with “V” neck plus knee long white coat.

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